
Answers to various questions for new and veteran carriers.

-My supervisor instructed me to perform work that is against our contract. Can I refuse to do this?

Unless it is against the law or unsafe you must do as instructed. You can be disciplined for failing to follow a direct order. Be sure to inform your steward what the violation is. Work now, grieve later.

-I have already worked 12 hours and have been told to continue, can I refuse?

No this is a grievance. There is no absolute right to stop work at 12 hours. Be sure to contact your steward so you are paid the extra 50% base pay.

-I have been in an accident, what should I do?

First thing to do is report the accident to the police. Second is call your union steward. Third report the accident to your supervisor. If the supervisor arrives before the steward, the only thing you should say is "Weingarten". DO NOT talk to your supervisor without steward present! If there is no steward scheduled for the day, they must make one available. Again DO NOT talk to your supervisor.

-What are my work hour guarantees?

For a CCA or PTF you are guaranteed 2 hours. For FTR/UAR/FTF/T6 you are guaranteed 8 hours. This is determined by the work years of the installation you work at. Blacksburg VA work years is less than 100 work years. For installations over 200 work years CCAs and PTFs are guaranteed 4 hours.

-My supervisor keeps calling me on my personal phone do I have to answer?

No. You are not required to use your personal phone for work related activities. From National Agreement 41.3.E "When the Employer requires the use of certain supply items for the proper performance of a carrier's functions, such items will be supplied by the Employer."

-I am a PTF and being sent to another post office is this allowed?

Yes, this is allowed as long as 30 days notice is given. National Agreement article 12.5.B.5 "Full-time and part-time flexible employees involuntarily detailed or reassigned from one installation to another who do not qualify for relocation benefits shall be given not less than 30 days advance notice, if possible."

-I have already clocked in and management is sending me to another post office.

You have the right to request a USPS vehicle to drive to the other post office. This is highly recommended. If you get in an accident it is unlikely your insurance will cover you since you are using your vehicle for work purposes. See page 235 of the National Agreement.

-Management has told me I must use the load truck feature. Is this manadatory?

No. There is a grievance for this. Load truck feature can be helpful for people not familiar with a route. Writing the sequence number on the package will help keeping packages in order. It can also help carriers who use the Package Lookahead feature of our scanners. It is not a requirement so if you are told to do so file a grievance.

-I have been told I need to improve my morning/street/return to office time.

There is no morning office time, street time or return to office standards. As long as you are not doing time wasting activities there is nothing management can do. New carriers are expected to be slow. Most important thing to do is be safe and accurate. Do not let management rush you.

-My shirt ripped when it caught on a piece of equipment. Can I be reimbursed?

Yes, you can. Any personal items damaged while working can be reimbursed. Fill out a form 2146 Employee Claim for Personal Property.

-My supervisor said that my scanner showed I was stationary for 15 minutes. What should I do?

Scanner data can not be used solely to determine discipline. From M-39 Management of Delivery Services 134.22 "The manager is not to spy or use other covert techniques. Any employee infractions are to be handled in accordance with the section in the current National Agreement that deal with these problems." Your response should always be "I was working", and "I want a steward."

-I am on work assignment or 8-hour list and was just mandated to work off my route. I am not sure if there is a grievance. How can I tell if I was properly mandated?

Article 8 violations are complicated. Here is a flowchart explaining if a mandate is a grievance or not.

-How is senority determined when two people have the same hire date?

This is covered in Article 41.2.B.7.

7. Seniority Tie Breaker

Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement, effective the date of this Agreement, when it is necessary to resolve a tie in seniority between two or more Carrier Craft employees, the following criteria shall apply in the order set forth below:

(a) Total continuous postal career service in the Carrier Craft within the installation.

(b) Total postal career service in the Carrier Craft within the installation.

(c) Total postal career service in the Carrier Craft.

(d) Total postal career service.

(e) Total postal service.

(f) Total federal service as shown in the service computation date on the employee's Form 50.